To unite those engaged in the recognized branches of the real estate industry, including brokerage, property management, mortgage financing, real estate law, appraising, land development, home building and affiliated fields in the United States of America to exert a combined influence effectively upon matters affecting real estate interest. 


To oppose the enactments of laws, ordinances or agreements which are detrimental to or restrictive in the free and equitable use or exchange of real estate. 

 To enable its members to transact their business professionally through the adoption of such rules and regulations as they may deem proper. 

To promote and maintain high standards of conduct in the transaction of the real estate business. 

To enforce a Code of Ethics for all REALTIST members, in relation to the public, our clients, and other professional affairs according to the NAREB Code of Professional Responsibility.

To discourage and oppose the unlawful and unauthorized practice of real state. 

 To license its members the right to use the name of the Charlotte Crown REALTIST or the term or symbol "REALTIST." REALTIST is hereby defined as designating a person engaged in the real estate industry who is a recognized and certified member of the Charlotte Crown REALTIST Association and is subject to its rules and regulations, observes its standards of conduct and is entitled to its benefits. 

To protect the public against unethical, improper, or fraudulent practices by the affixing of the term or symbol "REALTIST" to advertising matter, stationery, signboards, stock certificates, bonds, mortgages and other instruments or other material used by or in connection with the real estate business and to educate the general public to deal only with those persons who have agreed to observe the standards maintained by the Charlotte Crown REALTIST Association, whose members are commonly.